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Saturday, June 25, 2011
@ 2:26 AM

Above images all about the nature such like the ocean and the sunset. Although I don't have a dslr, but I do make an effort to have a quality image by using normal digital camera and even iPhone for the last picture. However some of the pictures I did not choose to put on the portfolio because it doesn't really stands out.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011
@ 2:37 AM

This are the originial images that I choose to publish in my portfolio. It was taken back during my study trip to Korea in 2010. I pick these images becaue of their composition. I didn't really realised the composition that I have applied when I took it until I scroll down the album a couple of time. However for publishing in my portfolio, I adjusted the curves for all three images to create better impact.

Friday, June 10, 2011
@ 2:08 AM

These are my Digital Illustration classwork which I used the Adobe Photoshop to create the first images while I used the Adobe Illustrator to create an illustration of an iPhone.

There were many challenges I faced during the development. For the second example, I had a hard time cropping the human figures because I am not familiar with the masking method which I was introduce to. While for the iPhone image, it was tough because I was unfamiliar with Adobe Illustrator. However I decide not to put this two images into my portfolio because I am not satisfied with the end work.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011
@ 2:19 AM

I create the haunted mansion and Shutter movie poster using the Adobe Photoshop CS4. Although I didn't get good grade for the haunted mansion, I am well satisfied with the end work as because I put in a lot of effort to change the texture of the house by just using the paint colours. However for the movie poster I was more satisfied because it was one of the impressive work that I have done by far and without having second thought both images deserve to be in my portfolio.

Friday, April 22, 2011
@ 4:30 AM

I would love to include my first ever digital painting that I managed to complete in class into my portfolio. The reason why is because I simply love the outcome of the painting and I get an A for my first ever digital painting. So I'm proud of it and I think it is appropriate to upload it into my portfolio.

Above pictures are the steps taken before I reach the final product of the painting.

Saturday, April 16, 2011
Sketches @ 12:56 AM

For my sketches, I decide to put up all this sketches in my portfolio because it seems to be the best sketches that I've did compared to the other sketches that I sketch in my sketchbook. I used the image viewer method to organize the sketches so that the user can just click first, next, previous or last. I studied the codes that can be found at w3schools and applied it on my portfolio.

Thursday, April 14, 2011
Upgrade Navigation Bar @ 1:22 AM
During my free time at work, I search at http://www.w3schools.com/dhtml/dhtml_examples.asp on how to upgrade my navigation bar. I found several interesting ways to upgrade my navigation bar such like:

After experimenting out the different type of navigation bar, I decide to choose the top drop down method to upgrade my current navigation bar. So here is the overall outcome that I've edited.